Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

Knowing pregnancy symptoms can help you understand your body better and manage your symptoms in a better way. Always seek the help of your doctor when you have doubts. It is important not to compare your pregnancy to someone else’s because pregnancy symptoms can vary from person to person.

  • A missed period: This is the most common and obvious sign of pregnancy. After your egg and sperm unite, forming an embryo that implants in your womb (uterus), your body will produce hormones that will stop your menstrual cycle or monthly period, and you won’t have a period till your baby is born. A missed period may not always be due to pregnancy, you can also miss your period or have irregular periods due to stress, hormone imbalances, excessive exercise, dieting, or other factors.

  • Morning sickness: Though it is termed as morning sickness, this condition can happen at any time of the day or night. Nausea is usually experienced very early in pregnancy (as early as two weeks into a pregnancy) and is often accompanied by vomiting. Though nausea during pregnancy is fairly normal, it can be a problem if you get dehydrated. Vomiting on account of extreme nausea can lead to a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. Contact your doctor if you’re experiencing extreme nausea and dehydration.

  • Fatigue (feeling tired): Most women feel extremely tired in early pregnancy. This can happen due to high levels of hormones such as progesterone. Like other early pregnancy symptoms, this condition weans off in the second trimester and in some cases, it may come back in the third trimester.

  • Headaches and Dizziness: Headaches and dizziness is also due to hormonal changes taking place in your body. Avoid taking pain killers, consult your doctor.

  • Frequent urination: Another common symptom is the feeling that you need to pee more often.

  • Food cravings, constant hunger and food aversions: Cravings for certain types of foods and feeling constantly hungry are commonly noticed in pregnant women. Eating more than the required amount may lead to indigestion. While some foods and flavors may seem wonderful in early pregnancy, others might suddenly taste unpleasant. Food aversions can happen throughout pregnancy, making you dislike things you previously enjoyed.

  • Bloating sensation in the stomach: Feeling of fullness of stomach is very common in early and late pregnancy.

Other less common signs of Pregnancy include:

  • Spotting: Light bleeding (spotting) is a sign that embryo has implanted in the lining of your uterus. Spotting mostly occurs 10 days after conception around the time of your regular period, small drops of blood is discharged for few days. This can be confused as light period and sometimes people think they aren’t pregnant.

  • Feeling metallic taste in your mouth: During early pregnancy some people experience some metallic taste in their mouths when eating certain types of food.

  • Cramping: Few women also experience mild, period-like cramps in the stomach that come and go. If the cramps are felt only on one side or are severe, please contact your doctor, as it could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy or any other health complication.

  • Mood swings: As your hormones continue to change, you could experience mood swings. This is normal and can happen throughout pregnancy. However, if you ever feel anxious, depressed or have thoughts of harming yourself, it is important to reach out to your healthcare provider.

  • Skin changes: Changes in hormones affect your skin color and textures. Some may experience a glow where other may get acne, pimples or slight change in color during this period.

Remember, the only way to know for sure that you’re pregnant is to take a pregnancy test or have your healthcare provider perform an ultrasound.